The MIRACLE project reached the end of its first year and to mark that occasion, a project meeting was held in Ulm to discuss the latest developments and to plan the activities for the coming months. The consortium also had the opportunity to visit the facilities of the Institute of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry at the University of Ulm, further fostering the collaborative spirit amongst the partners. Ulm was painted in white to receive the consortium, who got the chance to enjoy the typical Christmas market and enhance the already existing bonds.

In January, the consortium met in Brussels with the project officer, Markus Korn, and two expert reviewers (Professor Margaret Hartnett and Dr Ana Szerling) to evaluate the progress achieved so far. A lively and fruitful discussion was held, with the consortium receiving useful feedback which will, without a doubt, contribute to MIRACLE’s success. This was the first time the partners had the chance to meet the project officer and convey MIRACLE’s vision on how to enhance the healthcare of osteoarthritis patients.

As the project enters its second year, the consortium continues committed to applying the highest standards to all its activities and looks forward to the exciting new developments within the project. The consortium will continue to push the photonics field forward in order to develop a device which will enable an accurate diagnosis of articular cartilage health, thereby contributing to improving the patient’s quality of life and reducing the burden to the healthcare system.