Mid-infrared arthroscopy innovative imaging system for real-time clinical in depth examination and diagnosis of degenerative joint diseases
Project information
MIRACLE – Grant agreement ID: 780598
Call for proposal
Funding Scheme
IA – Innovation action
Oulun yliopisto
Pentti Kaiteran Katu 1
90014 Oulu
Activity type
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
EU Contribution
€ 1 146 325
Institution | Country | EU Contribution |
Art Photonics | Germany | € 310 187,50 |
Asociación Española de Normalización | Spain | € 77 500 |
INEB-Instituto Nacional De Engenharia Biomédica | Portugal | € 361 530 |
IRIS Technology Solutions, Sociedad Limitada | Spain | € 352 450 |
Itä-Suomen yliopiston | Finland | € 585 856,25 |
nanoplus Nanosystems and Technologies GmbH | Germany | € 797 204,63 |
Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet | Norway | € 538 431,25 |
Optoprecision Gmbh | Germany | € 470 312,50 |
Photonics Finland | Finland | € 106 367,50 |
Pohjois-savon Sairaanhoitopiirin Kuntayhtyma | Finland | € 173 750 |
Universidade Católica Portuguesa | Portugal | € 77 845 |
Universitaet Ulm | Germany | € 842 500 |
Universiteit Utrecht | Netherlands | € 293 376,25 |