UNE participated as Spanish Standardization Association and as MIRACLE Project partner with a presentation about the Role of Standardization in Innovation and how MIRACLE has included it in the project development. On Thursday 12th September 2019, the second edition of the Workshop Performance Assessment and Standardization in Biophotonics took place in Brussels. This workshop is organized by the European Comision and the aim is to discuss the role/importance and future standardization activities related to new upcoming technologies as biophotonics.

As the event webpage states:

  • Share knowledge on what is going on in Europe and internationally in the field
  • Provide various viewpoints on the topic (e.g. developers’ perspective, end users’ perspective)
  • Define goals (i.e. when and how standardization is useful)
  • Start to elaborate a possible common EU strategy, with coordination of different actors

UNE participated as Spanish Standardization Association and as MIRACLE Project partner with a presentation about the Role of Standardization in Innovation and how MIRACLE has include it in the project development.

OptoPrecision also partner of the MIRACLE Project attended as audience and participated in the Working Session dealing with Phantoms.
Access to the video of the Workshop.