Hook-shaped Probe

Unique MIR-ATR probe for arthroscopy

Miniaturized mid-infrared attenuated total reflection (MIR-ATR) probe mimicking the hook-shape and dimensions of a conventional arthroscopy tool.

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Quantum Cascade Lasers

Precise measurements using laser technology

Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCL) with clinically relevant wavelengths to assess articular cartilage biochemical composition.

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A device to enable the probe and the lasers communicating

A unique integrated beam combiner for effective coupling of QCLs and MIR-ATR probe.

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Main Unit

The big box that contains it all

Mechanical construction and compatible electronics integrating all the photonics components.

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User Interface

Get a virtual representation of your cartilage

Clear and simple user interface that ensures real-time interpretation of cartilage quality.

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All the advanced technologies can be employed beyond our MIR-ATR Arthroscopy spectrometer system, opening new horizons for several fields such as medical equipment, environment, pharmaceutics, biotechnology, process optimization and many more.